British Mild Ale Recipe Kit
This Recipe contains all the consumables you require to make the British Mild Ale. You do not need to worry about what to buy and when to add. This ingredient kit comes with detailed recipe and complete steps from heating water to bottling day.
Recipe Kit contains 2 Row malt, Crystal malt, Chocolate malt, Roasted malt, Hops, Yeast, Priming sugar and Whirlfloc tablet
About the Beer
Modern mild ales are mainly dark-coloured with an alcohol by volume (ABV) of 3.5% to 4%, although there are lighter-hued examples as well as stronger examples reaching 6% abv and higher. It originated in Britain in the 17th century or earlier, and originally meant a young ale, as opposed to a "stale" aged or old ale. It is now more often interpreted as being mildly hopped. Traditionally Dark Milds were a draft beer made popular in London and the Midlands of England.